G R E E N ▲ M O U N T A I N ▲ J A M

About the Green Mountain Jam

Now in its eighth year, the Green Mountain Jam was inspired by Django in June, the world renowned Gypsy Jazz festival and workshop held each year in Northampton, Massachusetts.   Although the daily workshops were excellent, the real fun would start each evening- when players would gather into groups of all ability levels to jam, filling the atmosphere with music from every corner of the Smith College campus.  Since many of us who share a passion for this unique and demanding style didn't want to wait a year to reprise that wonderful experience, we decided to organize a fall event, in the beautiful green mountains of Killington, Vermont.  A large resort area, Killington has an abundance of properties available in the off-season with great accommodations and playing spaces, and is within reasonable driving time from major eastern cities for a weekend getaway.  The venue for this year's Green Mountain Jam is The Summit Lodge, a classic Vermont lodge with wonderful amenities and multiple indoor and outdoor playing spaces, pubs, and restaurant.  Please visit their website for more information and images.  The Summit has provided a discounted block of rooms for our event (see Registration for details and costs), and the option of a Saturday night dinner or cookout on the grounds (weather dependant, of course).  In addition to playing, in the past we've found time for exploration and sightseeing- a gondola ride and hike to Killington peak, hiking and biking, fishing, yoga classes- the list is endless.  The late summer/early fall weekend usually provides for some great early foliage views.



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